Mrs Amy Sanderson

Gender: Female

Marital Status: Married

Place of birth: Belshill, Scotland

Main Suffrage Society: WFL

Other Societies: WSPU

Society Role: Executive committee member

Arrest Record: Yes

Recorded Entries: 2


Other sources:
Elizabeth Crawford, The Women's Suffrage Movement: A Reference Guide 1866?1928 (1999)

Database linked sources:

Further Information:

Family information: Married in 1901.

Additional Information: Amy joined the WSPU in 1906 and was arrested and imprisoned for taking part in a deputation to the House of Commons in 1907. She started to campaign for the WSPU in Scotland, but in 1907 was one of those WSPU members who left to join the breakaway group the Women's Freedom League (WFL). She was on its executive committee for three years. In 1908, she took part in a deputation to Asquith's house in Cavendish Square and was sentenced to one month in prison. In 1909, her house in Castleford became the headquarters for the South Yorkshire branch of the WFL. Amy was a prolific speaker, contributing to hundreds of meetings, and was one of the main speakers in the 'Women's March' from Edinburgh to London in 1912.

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