Miss Eliza Keary
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Writer
1866 Petition: Yes
Petition Area: 17 Addison Road, Kensington, Middlesex, England
Other sources: https://www.parliament.uk/1866
Anne Dingsdale, 'Generous and Lofty Sympathies: The Kensington Society, the 1866 Women's Suffrage Petition and the Development of Mid-Victorian Feminism' (unpublished PhD, University of Greenwich, 1995)
Family information: Father was a clergyman. Signed 1866 petition with her sister Annie Keary.
Other Suffrage Activities: Eliza and her sister Annie performed voluntary work in an East London children's hospital; helped out at the Servant's Home in Bessborough Gardens; and taught at Clementia (Mentia) Taylor's Aubrey Institute in Kensington. Eliza wrote a book about her sister's life: Memoirs of Annie Keary (1883).