How to use the suffrage database

The suffrage database contains the names of almost 3,000 individuals who were active in the campaign for women’s suffrage between 1866 and 1914. The information about these men and women is taken from the 1866 Suffrage Petition and the 1914 Home Office arrest records.

In order to search this database, you may need some help. Below is a short guide to get you started.

What categories can I search?

You can search the database in a number of different ways.

How can I search the database?

How you search the database will affect the kinds of results you get.

Quick Search

If you already know the name of the person or family name you want to search for, the quick search is a good option.

If you know the name and the town that the person came from, a quick search will also provide results quickly, like the example below, searching for the family name of Baines from Stainton:

Or if you want to know how many people from Birmingham, say, are recorded on the database, simply type 'Birmingham' into the quick search box to reveal the number of people associated with Birmingham on the database:

Advanced Search

If you are looking for a small set of particular results involving several search categories – for example, how many married women from Bristol signed the 1866 Suffrage Petition – this can be done via the advanced search, as shown above. The database will then filter by the categories you have chosen to only show you married women from Bristol who signed the 1866 petition, as shown below:

You can also use the advanced search feature to carry out more general searches if you are searching in a category not covered by the quick search options of place or name. One example might be searching for the number of men recorded on the database. For this, you need the advanced search and the selection of male in the gender box. The results of this are as shown below:

Browse records

Alternatively, you may wish to browse the full set of records in the database. You can do this via the browse option. This will give you an A–Z list of all names on the database, as shown below: