Men in the Suffrage Movement
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In this podcast Dr Claire Eustance of Greenwich University discusses some of the men who were involved in the Suffrage movement, starting with the radical liberal MP John Stuart Mill.
The podcast looks at the many men who actively espoused the cause of women's suffrage, including the husbands and siblings of famous suffragists and suffragettes. It considers why and how men became involved in the movement, as well as the popular reaction to (and sometimes backlash against) these men. Dr Eustance highlights some particularly memorable figures such as Victor Duval and Harry Johnson, and finishes by evaluating the overall contribution of male support for women's suffrage.
Some of the men talked about that link to the Suffrage database include Victor Duval, Hugh Franklin, Frederick Pethick-Lawrence and George Lansbury.
1. When did men become involved in the women’s suffrage movement and who were they?
2. Why did men get involved in the women’s suffrage movement and how did they get involved?
3. What was the popular portrayal of men who supported women’s suffrage?
4. Which men should we remember most and why?
5. What was men’s overall contribution?